- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-GB-324 - British despatch concerning of prospect of Argentina taking possession of South Georgia
- ItemBB-GB-325 - British despatch from Buenos Aires reporting private plans in Argentina to explore Antarctic territories
- ItemBB-GB-326 - Falkland Islands, Seal Fishery Ordinance, no 1 of 1899, includes a list of other ordinances.
- ItemBB-GB-327 - Falkland Islands, chronological list of Ordinances
- ItemBB-GB-328 - Despatch from the Governor of the Falkland Islands concerning lease of South Georgia
- ItemBB-GB-329 - Colonial Office letter to British Foreign Office concerning Argentine actions at South Shetland Islands
- ItemBB-GB-330 - Falkland Islands, Interpretation and General Law Ordinance, no 3 of 1900
- ItemBB-GB-331 - List of Pacific Islands belonging to Great Britain under British Protection
- ItemBB-GB-332 - Falkland Islands, Land Ordinance, no 9 of 1903
- 2473 more...