- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-CL-43 - Resolution no. 29 establishing a post office in the Chilean Antarctic Territory
- ItemBB-CL-44 - Chilean note to the United Kingdom replying to a British offer of assistance in Antarctica and mentioning British incursions into the Chilean Antarctic Territory
- ItemBB-CL-45 - Decree no. 118 appointing a Naval Governor of the Chilean Antarctic Territory
- ItemBB-CL-46 - Speech concerning the grounds of Chile's claim to Antarctica delivered to the Senate by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Raúl Juliet Gómez
- ItemBB-CL-5 - Account by Bernardo O'Higgins on the southern extent of Chile
- ItemBB-CL-6 - Treaty of peace and friendship and recognition between the Republic of Chile and Her Majesty the Queen of Spain (extract)
- ItemBB-CL-7 - Supreme decree no. 3370 granting a fishing concession to Pedro Pablo Benavides (extract)
- ItemBB-CL-8 - Application from Enrique Fabry and Domingo de Toro Herrera for a concession for sealing and other purposes
- ItemBB-CL-9 - Report by the head of the Topographic Department on an application for a concession for sealing and other purposes
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